Friday, August 31, 2012

Home Remedy Tip Of The Day: Garden Tips-Rose Care

All kinds of little critters and other diseases will love to make your beautiful rose bush a tasty treat and a permanent home. Roses can be the most beautiful, lush plant in your garden, or a garden disaster. Here are some tips for keeping them healthy and bug free.

Rose Care Using Garlic
Put several cloves of garlic in the blender with water. Blend well and use as a spray to control aphids.

Rose Care Using Tobacco
Put tobacco in the blender and add water. Blend well and use this as a spray to control aphids.

Rose Care Using Turnips and Anise
Turnips and anise, planted around the roses, will discourage aphids and spider mites.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Home Remedy Subject Of The Day: Diabetes

Green Beans
The skins of the green bean pods are said to contain substances that are related to insulin. Place 4 cups of green bean pods in about 1 gallon of water and cook them until soft. Strain the pods from the liquid and drink 3 cups daily with meals. One cup is said to equal 1 unit of insulin.

Strawberry Tea
Diabetics will benefit from drinking strawberry tea. Place 4-5 fresh leaves in 1 cup of boiling water. Steep 15 minutes. Strain and drink.

Wild Carrot Tea
Diabetics are said to benefit from drinking tea made from wild carrots (Queen Anne's lace). Place several blossoms in 1 cup of boiling water and steep 10 minutes. Strain and drink several cups a day.

Blueberry Tea
Put 1 teaspoon of dried and crushed blueberry leaves in 1 cup of boiling water. Steep 15 minutes. Strain and drink every 6 hours.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Home Made Dandelion Jelly

Dandelion Jelly
  • Pick 1 1/2 quarts of dandelion blossoms.
  • Take the stems off. Rinse the blossoms well.
  • Add 3 cups of water and boil for about 3 minutes.
  • Drain well and add 1 teaspoon of lemon extract, and 1/2 teaspoon of orange extract to 2/3 cup of the liquid.
  • Mix in a box of pectin and bring to a rolling boil.
  • Add 4 1/2 cups of sugar all at once to the mixture.
  • Bring again to a boil for 3 minutes, stirring constantly. 
  • Remove from heat and skim off top. 
  • Put in sterile jars immediately and seal.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Herbs You Can Smoke For Treatment

  For direct treatment of coughs and bronchial congestion, some herbs are smoked. This will provide immediate, but temporary, relief for the condition. Unlike tobacco, the herbs which are smoked for therapeutic purposes contain no nicotine or other addicting substances.
  A small amount of the herb is smoked in a pipe, or a water pipe. The lungs are filled with smoke and then this is fully exhaled. Inhale smoke about six to ten times for a single treatment.
  The most commonly used herbs that are smoked are coltsfoot, rosemary, mullein, yerba santa and sarsaparilla. To aid in quitting smoking tobacco, lobelia, also known as Indian tobacco, is smoked. It contains lobeline, which is similar to nicotine but does not have the same set of effects. Thus it reduces the sensation of need for nicotine, but does not provide the effects that lead to addictive smoking.
  In China, "Asthma Allaying Cigarettes" are commonly used in the treatment of asthma. They contain about a dozen herbs and have been extensively tested to reveal their efficacy in reducing lung congestion and aiding expectoration.
  Mugwort and catnip have been smoked for their calming affects to treat insomnia and restlessness. Damiana has been smoked for its aphrodisiac effects.
  Peppermint is adding to smoking blends for its cooling menthol. Licorice is added to provide a sweet flavor. 
  The smoking of herbs should only be an occasional practice, done with proper concern for the ability of the lungs to remove smoke particles and tars that are an inevitable result of burning plant materials.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Home Remedy Tip Of The Day: Treating Arthritis

Arthritis Cocktail
Mix well 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 1/2 cups of water, and 1 ounce apple cider vinegar. Drink once a day. You should be free of symptoms after using daily for 1 month.

Arthritis Treatment with Apple Cider Vinegar
Mix 4 cups of apple cider vinegar to 4 cups of hot water. Dip a cloth into the hot vinegar water and apply as a compress to the affected area. Put a heating pad over the compress and keep on for 30 minutes.

Arthritis Treatment with Barley Tea
Barley tea is an excellent way to treat arthritis. Make a tea by soaking 1 cup of unhulled barley in 8 cups of boiling water for 3 hours. Strain and keep refrigerated. Drink 1 cup twice daily.

Arthritis Treatment with Cod-liver Oil
Put 2 tablespoons of cod-liver oil in a glass of warm milk and drink twice daily. This will reduce inflammation of the joint tissue, thus reducing pain.

Arthritis Treatment with Herbs
Mix 1 tablespoon each of corn silk, broom flowers, skullcap, and boneset. Pour 1 cup boiling water over 1 tablespoon of herb mixture and steep 15 minutes. Strain and sweeten. Drink with meals.

Arthritis Treatment with Ginger
Fill #00 capsules with ginger and take 2 daily. This will reduce pain and swelling after several months of treatment.

Arthritis Treatment with Parsley
Add 1 teaspoon of fresh parsley to 1 cup of boiling water. Let steep 15 minutes. Strain and sweeten. Add 1/2 teaspoon of fresh ginger to the tea and drink hot. Drink at every meal.

Bath Treatment for Arthritis with Epsom Salts
Put 1 cup of espom salts in your bath water (draw the bath as hot as you can stand it) and soak 20 minutes a day.

Bath Treatment for Arthritis with Sea Salt
Put several cups of sea salt in hot bath water and soak in the bath for at least 20 minutes every day.

Pain Relief for Rheumatic Joints or Arthritis
Put 2 cups of rosemary in 3 cups of brandy. Steep for 1 week. Strain and use the liquid as a poultice for the affected joints.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Home Remedy Tip Of The Day: Insomnia

If you are feeling restless or suffer from insomnia, try some of these herbal remedies for a good nights rest.

Sedative with Lettuce
Cooked lettuce is a great relaxant. Lettuce tea is a fast-acting sedative. Simply pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 cup shredded lettuce and steep 30 minutes. Strain and drink before bed. Use to release tension or to help you sleep if you suffer from insomnia. Great to use while a patient is recovering from any illness. It keeps them from getting restless and helps them get the rest they need in order for the body to finish the healing process.

Sleep Aid with Buttermilk
Drinking buttermilk before retiring aids in a good night's sleep.

Sleep Aid with Milk
Heat 1 cup of milk and add 2 tablespoons of honey and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Drink half hour before retiring.

Sleep Aid with Oatmeal
Make oatmeal as you normally would, but add milk enough to make a thin gruel. Drink this before bed as an aid in getting to sleep. This is a very relaxing way to get children to sleep. It seems to soothe them and make their tummies feel warm and full. It is also good to use during bouts of illness, as it does sooth the stomach and settle upsets, while being nutritious. Make it very special by adding sugar and a pinch of ground cinnamon. Children really do love this. It helps restless children get a good night's sleep.

Sleep Help with Apple
Eating an apple before bedtime seems to help put you to sleep.

Sedative with Catnip-Mild
Pour 2 cups of boiling water over 1 teaspoon of dried catnip. Cover and steep until cool. Flavor if desired. Strain and sweeten. For children, give 1 teaspoon; adults get 2 tablespoons.

Yawn Yourself to Sleep
If you suffer from insomnia, simply practice yawning. Before you know it, you will be asleep.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Home Remedy Tip Of The Day: Sinus Relief

Sinus congestion is no fun. Try some of these home remedies for relief.

Sinus Congestion
  • Eat 2 garlic cloves 3 times a day for 1 week. Sinuses should start draining toward the end of the week.
Sinus Treatment with Epsom Salts
  • Run water until very cold.
  • Mix together 2 cups cold water with 1 tablespoon of epsom salts and 2 teaspoons of bicarbonate soda. 
  • Dip clean cloth in the liquid and place over sinus area.
  • Replace to keep area cold.
  • Relieves stuffy nose fast. Good to use during a cold.
Sinus Treatment with Honeycaps
  • Chewing honeycaps from the combs of honey is said to cure sinus problems.
Stuffy Nose Relief with Thyme
  • Put 1/4 cup lemon thyme in 4 cups of water. 
  • Boil and inhale the steam. This clears a stuffy nose.
Clear Head Cold with Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Mix 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar and water.
  • Bring to a boil and inhale the fumes.
Clear Stuffy Nose with Ice Cubes
  • Place several trays of ice cubes in a basin of water and place only the toes in the water until numb. Sounds crazy, but it works.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Home Remedy Tip Of The Day: Rosemary Tincture

This tincture is good to take internally to prevent colds or to fight infections. Because of the antibiotic nature of this tincture, it is also good to use to clean cuts and scrapes. It removes bacteria and prevents infections.

Add 1/2 cup of rosemary needles to 2 cups of vodka an allow to sit for 2 weeks. 
Strain and use 1/2 dropperful every 2 hours for a couple of days. 
Then cut back to 2 times daily for about 2 weeks. 
Treats infections and colds.

Herb Of The Day: Spirulina, The Protein Powerhouse

Spirulina is a blue-green algae that grows on freshwater ponds. Respected in many cultures for centuries as an excellent source of nutrition, it found its way into the U.S. diet just a decade or two ago, and only in a limited manner. The health smoothie, Naked has spirulina in it's Green Machine smoothie. Its use was primarily restricted to those who shop in natural foods stores but now you can find it in this smoothie in all grocery and convenience stores.

Spirulina is 55 to 70 percent protein by weight. It is considered the greatest plant source of usable protein and is rich in B vitamins and gammalinolenic acid (GLA). It is second only to dried whole eggs as protein source. People often complain about the flavor but it has to be better than dried eggs!
And the Naked smoothie drink is absolutely delicious!

In health food stores you can find it in tablet and powder form. The tablets are cheaper and the taste is probably easier to consume. A recommended amount is 6 to 10 tablets or 2 tablespoons of the powder daily. If you use the powder, mix it into a blender drink or sprinkle it onto stir-fries and salads. Still I think the easiest and tastiest way is to purchase the Naked smoothie.

Here's what you will find inside the Naked smoothie drink, Green Machine:

  • 5 3/4 apples
  • 1 banana
  • 1 kiwi
  • 3/4 mango
  • a hint of pineapple

  • 2600 mg spirulina
  • 800 mg chlorella
  • 200 mg brocolli
  • 200 mg spinach
  • 100 mg blue green algae
  • 100 mg garlic
  • 150 mg barely grass
  • 150 mg wheat grass
  • 100 mg ginger
  • 100 mg parlsey


Saturday, August 4, 2012

Home Remedy Tip Of The Day: Asthma

First of all let me be very clear when I say please seek immediate medical attention in severe cases.

Asthma occurs more frequently in children but no age is exempt. The wheezing is caused by a spasm of the bronchial tubes or swelling of the mucous membranes. Mental or physical fatigue, exposure of fumes or chemicals, inhaled allergens, foods, infections of the upper and lower respiratory tracts, and emotional situations can bring on attacks that can last from several hours to several days. Try several of these treatments to help control asthma attacks.

Breathing Aid at Bedtime
Take 1 tablespoon of sunflower or corn oil before retiring for the night. Helps you to breath easier during the night.

Asthma Treatment with Aloe Vera
Boil some of the aloe vera leaves in a pan of water and inhale the vapors. Put a towel over the head and pan to get the full effects of the vapors.

Asthma Treatment with Cranberry Juice
Cranberry juice is very good for treating asthma attacks, as it contains an ingredient that dilates the bronchial tubes.
Cook and mash cranberries. Place in a tightly closed glass container and refrigerate. When needed during an attack, add 3 teaspoons of the mashed cranberries to a cup of hot water. Sip while the water is hot.

Asthma Treatment with Horseradish
Add several teaspoons of freshly grated horseradish to 1 cup of milk. Simmer for 10 minutes and strain. Drink as necessary to obtain relief.

Asthma Treatment with Onions
Make fresh daily. Cut an onion into very thin slices and place in a bowl. Cover the onion slices with honey and let sit overnight. The next day, scrape the honey from the onion slices and take 1 teaspoon 3-4 times daily.

Cherry Treatment for Asthma
Add a handful of cherry stems to 1 pint of boiling water. Cover and steep until liquid is cool. Strain. Add 1 pint of honey and shake well. Take 1 tablespoon as needed for coughing.

Potato Treatment for Asthma
Boil several potatoes. Place in a basin and cover the head and basin with a towel to get the most from the steam.

Thyme Treatment for Asthma
Bring to a boil 2 cups of water to which you have added 1 tablespoon of thyme. Pour into a basin and cover head and basin with a towel to inhale the steam.

Herb Of The Day: Ganoderma Lucidum

I had a terrible migraine yesterday and I don't normally get them but when I do, they are pretty bad. So of course the herbalist in me is looking for natural ways to cure my migraine. I needed something fast and in fact could hardly stand and keep my eyes open. So my cousin suggested Ganoderma Lucidum Mycelium capsules.

Ganoderma Lucidum is the latin name for the reishi mushroom. And no this is not a mushroom that causes psychedelic side affects, it's consumed for health purposes and is known as the king of herbs in China. I call it the universal herb because it seems to tackle everything-all at once.

After a few hours of consuming the Mycelium, which is essentially the root of the mushroom, my migraine was gone. It takes longer, as with any herb, but it worked. Sometimes we need to have patience, and lay in a dark room with peace and quiet and just imagine the medicine working and believing that it is. When we combine this way of thinking with natural medicine, we will actually speed up recovery time. Our thoughts believe it or not, have a huge impact on our health. 
Here is a link to my website that explains in more detail the health benefits of Ganoderma.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Pet Remedies

In light of the recent photo I've seen on facebook, I feel it necessary to write a pet remedy blog to share some more natural ways of getting rid and repelling fleas and ticks. The chemicals that flea repellents use or that are put into flea collars are insecticides and not good for human or animal skin.

Cat Pillow Flea Repellent
Mix equal parts of chamomile and catnip. Add twice as much pennyroyal. Stuff a pillow with these herbs and they will love you.

Flea Powder with Pennyroyal
Mix together 2 tablespoons each of powdered wormwood and rosemary. Add 4 tablespoons of powdered pennyroyal, and 2 teaspoons of cayenne pepper. Use as often as you would a commercial flea powder. Caution: Do not get this into the animal's eyes.

Flea Repellent
This is also good for treating mange. I have people who swear by this, however I've never used it. Simply apply WD-40 to the spine of the animal. It runs down the sides of the animal and keep fleas away.

Flea Wash
Add 1 cup fresh or dried rosemary to 4 cups boiling water. Cover and steep until cool. Strain. Wash the dog and rinse well. Pour the herbal liquid on the dog and work in well. Leave the rosemary tea on the dog and let it dry.

Sure Fire Way To Stop Fleas
Give your dog 1 tablet of 100 mg of thiamine daily. You can grind it add to cat food as well. It works.

Signatures Of The Day: Names, Roots, and Aroma



Sometimes the name alone can indicate the use of that particular herb. Heartsease, eyebright, pleurisy root, feverfew, cancer root, and throat root are just a few. Many of the plants, such as eyebright and chamomile, are indicative for eyes because the floral parts resemble eyes.

Ginseng Root (resembles human torso)

Root Structure

Many of the herbs that have a root structure resembling the human torso are used as aphrodisiacs, or as a way to overcome sterility. Ginseng is an example of this. Skullcap and walnut have forms that resemble the shape of the human head, and can be used in treatment of headaches and nervous disorders.








Another important herbal signature is aroma. The strong-smelling herbs such as cinnamon, cloves, thyme, and rosemary are used as disinfectants. Most of the aromatic herbs are highly antiseptic or germicidal and have antibiotic properties. Sage, pennyroyal, all mints, tansy, and yarrow are good examples.

Home Remedy Tip Of The Day: Fresheners

So today's tip is for some freshening in your home. I love how these recipes use fruit and scented oil, items you already have, most likely. Enjoy!

  1. Air Freshener- This will clean your aluminum pots while freshening the air in your house at the same time. Drop slices of grapefruits, lemons, or oranges in your pot. Cover with water and simmer for an hour.
  2. Closet Freshener- Saturate a cotton ball in your favorite scented oil and place on a shelf in the closet. Repeat as needed.
  3. Keep Fresh Cut Flowers Longer- Add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of sugar to 4 cups of water. Add 1/2 teaspoon of bleach and your flowers will stay fresh much longer.
  4. Kitchen Refresher- Add scented oil to your mop water 
  5. for a fragrant kitchen. Peppermint oil around Christmas is nice. Floral scents during spring and summer are lovely. And for fall and winter, cinnamon or nutmeg.
  6. Romantic Room Freshener- Place several drops of your favorite scented oil on the light bulbs. The heat from the bulbs will make the fragrance fill the air.
  7. Room Freshener While Vacuuming- Soak a cotton ball with your favorite scented oil and add to your vacuum cleaner bag. The whole house will smell wonderful.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Home Remedy Tip Of The Day: Household Cleaners

So if you are like me and can't really stand the strong smell of some of the household cleaners you buy or just don't want to put harsh chemicals out into the atmosphere, try some of these all natural, proven to work cleaners instead.

Use a cut lemon to clean water spots on chrome
  1. Chrome Cleaner- Cut a lemon in half. Wipe the chrome with the lemon.
  2. Mildew Treatment- Wash down areas that are prone to mildew with a strong thyme tea. Steep 4 cups of thyme in 1 gallon of water for several days. Use to scrub down the area.
  3. Oven Cleaner- Sprinkle water on the bottom of the oven. Put baking soda in an even layer over the water. Sprinkle again with water and let sit overnight. Wipe off with a clean, damp cloth.
  4. Toilet Bowl Cleaner with Denture Cleaner-Drop several tablets of denture cleaner in the bowl and let sit overnight. Scrub with brush and stains are gone.
  5. Toilet Bowl Cleaner with Vitamin C- Drop 3 vitamin C capsules in the bowl and let sit overnight. Scrub with brush in the morning. Stains are gone.
  6. Wallpaper Cleaner- Use slices of bread to clean wallpaper. Just wipe away the stains and dirt with the bread.
  7. Furniture Polish Using Olive Oil- Mix together 1 tsp. of olive oil and 1/2 cup of lemon juice in a small pan. Dip a cloth in the liquid and wring out. Use this to dust and polish furniture. The cloth can be used repeatedly.
Tomorrow, Repellents and Fresheners!