Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Herbal Pops for Kids

Herbal pops are a fun and easy way to get a child to take his or her prescribed tea formula. They are refreshing in the summertime and provide the wonderful healing properties of the herbs in a delicious and fun form. Because they are so cold, I do not recommend them for cold types of imbalances such as flu, colic, ear infections, or respiratory infections. The cold makes them excellent for teething babies, however. 

To make herbal pops:
  1. Make a strong tea by using 3 to 9 tablespoons of herb per cup of hot water. Strain.
  2. Dilute the tea with an equal amount of apple juice or any other favorite juice. 
  3. Pour into ice-pop trays; freeze.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Herb of The Day: Self-heal/Oil and Cream

Continued from my post on Facebook, here are the recipes for the Self-heal infused oil and also the Self-heal cream.

Self-heal Infused Oil
  • Fill a jar with fresh self-heal blossoms and leaves. 
  • Pour olive oil in to fill the jar, stirring as you do so to allow air bubbles to escape. 
  • Cover the jar with a piece of cloth held on with a rubber band-this will allow any moisture to evaporate.
  • Place the jar on a sunny window sill.
  • Check the jar every few days, and if necessary push the plant material back down under the surface of the oil. 
  • After 2 to 4 weeks the color will have drained out of the plants.
  • Strain off the oil. 
  • Allow it to settle, so that any water will sink to the bottom, then pour the oil carefully into bottles and label.
  • This oil will keep for several years, but it is best to make a fresh batch every summer if you can.
Self-heal Cream
  • To make a cream, you will be using some of the self-heal oil you have made, and combining it with a strong self-heal tea (see post on our facebook page for directions on making tea). This cream recipe can be used for other herbs or combinations of herbs too.
  1. 2 fl oz oil
  2. 3/4 oz beeswax
  3. 2 fl oz tea
  • Put the oil and beeswax in one bowl and the infusion in another, and stand them both in a large pan of hot water. 
  • Heat until the beeswax melts.
  • It is important that they are both the same temperature.
  • Slowly pour the tea into the oil mixture while beating with an electric mixer set at the slowest speed.
  • Once all the oil is mixed in and the mixture has emulsified and thickened, pour the cream into clean jars. 
  • Once set, label, and store in a cool place or in the fridege.
Use the oil and cream for cuts, sores, wounds, aches and pains, and swellings in the throat.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Home Remedy Tip Of The Day: Detoxification

The following herbs are the best for detoxifying the body naturally.

Dandelion and burdock root- If you buy an herbal detoxification formula, chances are its prime ingredients will be either dandelion or burdock root. But why buy it when you can get the fresh root for free? They are used worldwide whenever liver-related problems are involved. Both promote kidney function, too, and have abundant minerals to replace any that may be eliminated in urine. Dandelion tremendously benefits the digestive system, while burdock excels at alleviating chronic skin disorders and eruptions.

Red clover- Daily doses of red clover tea will help reduce the symptoms from steroids, radiation, or chemotherapy. It also has mild blood-thinning capabilities, making it useful as a preventative for arteriosclerosis and high cholesterol.

Thyme- Drink a cup of thyme tea to recover from big night out. It will ease headache, nervousness, and the queasy stomach of a hangover more effectively and safely than over-the-counter sedatives or pain relievers.

Borage- Borage seed oil helps ease the stress from long term metabolic disorders such as menopausal distress, alcoholism, obesity, and steroid treatments. It also offers quick relief to a hangover.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Make-It-Yourself Herbal Shampoo

Herbal shampoo is incredibly easy to make, and you can tailor the ingredients to meet your needs. There's a wide variety of essential oils to choose from, depending on whether you want to give your tresses a delicate aroma, treat dry scalp, or promote hair growth.
All of the ingredients can be found in natural food stores. If your hair is exceptionally oily, you may find it better to replace the jojoba oil (a wonderful nongreasy nutrient) with rosemary essential oil.

First let's start with a list of essential oils as they relate to hair type and their effect:


Hair Type: Oily
Effect or Treatment: Promotes growth
Hair Type: Fine to normal
Effect or Treatment: Gives golden highlights
Clary Sage
Hair Type: All types
Effect or Treatment: Dandruff treatment
Hair Type: Normal
Effect or Treatment: Scalp treatment for itchiness, dandruff, and even lice!
Hair Type: Oily
Effect or Treatment: Gives golden highlights; treatment for dry scalp, dandruff, lice, and underactive sebaceous glands.
Hair Type: Dry
Effect or Treatment: Treatment for dry scalp, dandruff, lice, and underactive sebaceous glands.
Hair Type: Oily
Effect or Treatment: Dandruff treatment
Hair Type: Dry
Effect or Treatment: Promotes hair growth
Hair Type: Fine
Effect or Treatment: Soothes scalp
Hair Type: Oily
Effect or Treatment: Dandruff treatment; promotes hair growth
Tea Tree
Hair Type: Oily
Effect or Treatment: Treatment for dry scalp, dandruff, lice, and underactive sebaceous glands.
Hair Type: Oily
Effect or Treatment: Dandruff treatment

Make-It-Yourself Herbal Shampoo

  • 8 ounces distilled water
  • 1 ounce herbs (list below of herbal combinations for different hair types)
  • 3 ounces liquid castile soap
  • 1/4 teaspoon jojoba oil
  • 25 drops of pure essential oil (from chart above)
  1. Bring the water to a boil. Add the herbs, cover, and let simmer over low heat for 15 to 20 minutes. Strain and cool.
  2. Slowly add the castile soap to the tea, then mix in the jojoba oil and essential oil. Store in a plastic container with a flip-top lid in the shower or bath. Shake before using.

Herb Combinations


Goldie Locks Infusion (Use this formula for golden highlights)
  • 2 parts calendula flower
  • 1 part chamomile flower
  • 1 part comfrey leaf
Dark of the Night Infusion (To effect dark highlights, try this formula)
  • 2 parts garden sage leaf
  • 1 part black walnut hull, chopped
  • 1 part comfrey leaf
Desert Bloom Infusion (Desert Bloom is an excellent formula for dry hair)
  • 1 part calendula flower
  • 1 part marsh mallow root
  • 1 part nettle leaf
Rapunzel's Locks Infusion (Bothered by oil hair? Use this astringent recipe)
  • 1 part rosemary leaf
  • 1 part witch hazel bark (not extract)
  • 1 part yarrow leaf and flower

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Fu Zheng Tonic Immune Therapy

"The basic strategy in the treatment of cancer involves improving the health and natural immunity of the patient overall and secondly dissolving the tumor by killing the more vulnerable cancer cells. Herbs and herbal preparations have the ability to treat cancer both through necrosis and apoptosis. 

Fu zheng is a therapeutic approach to protecting the "righteous qi" of the body, which represents all those aspects that we would not want to compromise when our system's immune system is under attack. The Fu zheng formula listed below is just one of many different types of formulas typically taken to maintain the immune system under all circumstances or when one must undergo chemo- or radiotherapy.


Reishi mycelial biomass
Shiitake mycelial biomass
Siberian ginseng extract
Poria cocos
Reishi mushroom extract
Ginger root
Green citrus peel

Reishi Mushroom Complex combines fu zheng herbs in a special formulation useful for cancer patients undergoing conventional Western medical treatment, for individuals with a depleted immune system, and for protecting one from sickness. The reishi mushroom (Ganoderma Lucidum) has a sweet and warm energy, is both sedative and tonic, is a supreme deep immune system tonic, and nourishes the spirit, essence, and vital energy. It has strong anticarcinogenic properties and is rich in a number of complex phytochemicals, including ergosterol, fumaric acid, aminoglucose, and manitol; coumarins; alkaloids; lactone; and various enzymes. It is effective for all cancers and immune system deficiencies. As such, it is specific for individuals recovering from chemotherapy."

~The Way of Herbs, Michael Tierra, L.Ac., O.M.D.

If you or someone you know is suffering from any type of cancer or immune system deficiency, please consider starting a reishi mushroom treatment. Visit www.4naturalliving.organogold.com today and browse our beverage and neutraceutical products. All of the coffee and tea products have been infused with 100% Certified Organic Ganoderma Lucidum (reishi extract). We also have Ganoderma Lucidum (reishi extract) available as a supplement as well as Mycelium (reishi mycelial). Take along with the other ingredients of the formula listed above and try a more organic, herbal approach to your health and healing as well as for your loved ones. 
Allow healing to take place without any harsh side affects or damage to organs. Replenish your body, spirit, and life once and for all.

*The medical information on this blog is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient-physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

10 Superfoods For The Male System

Good health is not a complicated matter. Being in good health doesn't mean you are never sick, or tired, or sore, or depressed. But it does mean that you feel hardy most of the time; your body is invigorated and your spirits are high. Maintaining good health requires excellent daily habits and practices. Preventing, rather than treating, problems is the key to living a long, high-quality life.

Here are 10 superfoods for the male system to ensure you feel at your best everyday!
  1. Chicken- Contains high-quality proteins  
  2. Cultured milks, such as buttermilk- Aids digestion; supports the immune system
  3. Dark-green leafy vegetables- Excellent source of minerals, vitamins, and fiber 
  4. Fish- Contains high-quality proteins 
  5. Fresh fruit- Excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber 
  6. Pumpkin seeds- Rich in zinc; excellent for the prostate 
  7. Sesame seeds- Calcium-rich; support the nervous system 
  8. Sesame or tahini butter- Calcium-rich 
  9. Squash seeds- High in zinc; good for the prostate and male glandular system 
  10. Yogurt- Aids digestion; supports the immune system.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Herbal Facial Steams

To perform a facial steam, bring 2 to 3 quarts of water to a boil in a large pot. Toss in a healthy handful of herbs, cover, and let simmer for just a couple of minutes. Then remove the pot from the heat source and place it on a heatproof surface at a level that will enable you to comfortably sit and place your face over the pot. Leaning over the pot, drape a large, thick towel over both your head and the pot, capturing the steaming herb water. It will get very hot under the towel. Life a corner to let a little cool air in and take an occasional break to catch a breath of cool air if necessary. Steam for 5 to 8 minutes.

Steam for Dry to Normal Skin
  • 3 parts comfrey leaf
  • 2 parts calendula
  • 2 parts chamomile
  • 2 part roses
  • 1 part lavender

Steam for Normal to Oily Skin
  • 3 parts comfrey leaf
  • 2 parts calendula
  • 1 part raspberry leaf
  • 1 part sage
  • 1/4 part rosemary
Combine the herbs, adjusting the amounts to suit your skin type. Store in an airtight glass bottle. Use as instructed above for a facial steam.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Getting To Know Herbs

Don't wait until you're sick to use herbs. The best way to cure illness is not to become ill, and there is a wonderful variety of longevity, nutritive, and tonic herbs that can and should be used daily to enhance wellness.

Nutritive herbs to make a regular part of your diet include horsetail, passionflower, cleavers, chickweed, red clover, and lemon balm.

Tonic herbs feed, tone rehabilitate, and strengthen particular body systems. Tonics for particular systems are listed in the chart below.

Longevity herbs are not life extenders; what they will do is increase quality of life, so that you feel better and better as you grow older. Our very common weeds are the most vital healing plants. They are powerful and abundant, and the more you try to run over them and dig them out, the happier they are. It is the weeds, those vulgar plants that grow everywhere, challenging us, that espouse true vitality and a passion for life. These are the longevity herbs. When their hardy spirits come into you, they feed you and make you stronger.

This is a quick look at the herbs and supplements that are used to maintain the health and vitality of various parts of the body. Use these herbs on a regular basis for best effect.

Body Part or System              Herb or Supplement

Blood                                        Burdock, dandelion
Bones                                       Nettle, oats
Brain                                        Ginkgo, gotu kola
Eyes                                         Bilberry, lutein
Heart (cardiovascular system)     Cayenne, garlic, hawthorn
Kidneys                                    Dandelion leaf, nettle
Liver                                         Burdock root, dandelion root
Muscles                                    Fo-ti, glucosamine sulfate
Nerves                                      Ginseng, nettle, oats
Nervous system (endurance        Fo-ti, American ginseng, Siberian ginseng
and stamina)                  
Spirit                                        Flower essences, kava-kava        

These weedy wonders are both versatile and effective medicinal herbs. Make friends with them!
  • Burdock-Rich in vitamins and minerals, burdock is excellent for the skin and is a superior blood purifier.
  • Chickweed-Chickweed is rich in calcium, potassium, and iron. With its emollient and demulcent actions, it is an exceptional poultice herb and is excellent for skin irritations and eye inflammation. Chickweed is also a mild and safe diuretic.
  • Cleavers-Another mild, safe diuretic, cleavers is used to tone and soothe irriattions of the kidneys and urinary tract. It is also an excellent lymphatic cleanser.
  • Coltsfoot-An antiasthmatic and expectorant, coltsfoot is excellent for coughs, colds, and brochial congetsion, helpnig dilate the bronchiaoles and expel mucus.
  • Dandelion-This common weed is an excellent tonic herb, a prized digestive bitter, one of the safest and most effective diuretics, and an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, including calcium, magnesium, iron, and vitamins A and C.
Herbs like burdock root and others can be purchased by the ounce at: http://www.thegreeneyedowl.org/apps/webstore/products