Tomorrow is the worldwide event, March Against Monsanto. If all goes well, hopefully it will open a door to getting GMO foods off the shelves for good. But have you ever wondered what it would be like to have all our processed and boxed food gone? I mean pretty much all cereals and a lot of the food we buy at the grocery store have GMO's in them. So if these foods disappear, what happens? Will people be willing to shop organically? Will prices soar? Or will it finally give a chance to stop and think about what we have been feeding ourselves all these years and finally make a change to get healthy? Will diseases finally start to disappear? Will people suddenly see cancer not on the rise anymore? What would happen if suddenly Monsanto was out of business? If our food is wiped out and we have to start fresh with a new plan.
People have been trained to think they need food, more food than what they really do need. It would be a world wide detox for sure. People could go crazy, they could even get really sick before they get better. But ultimately, they would get better. People would actually go outside and consider growing their own food again. Farmers would have their seeds back. The environment would be cleaner.
There may be a panic with our food at first, but in the end, the earth will thank us. In the end, we will get better. A shift is going to occur, I can feel it. Things are going to change. People are tired of being sick, they are tired of dying. A change is coming. I can't wait to see what happens.
Join the worldwide event May 25th, 2013 in which we march against Monsanto. The purpose is to educate and claim back our right to our food and our health. Please visit and register to your local event.
For additional information and to spread the word, visit
Also, join me tomorrow morning, 8:30 am. EST as I discuss who Monsanto is, GMO foods and labeling, what they do, and how they have changed our lives and our world.
This root imparts its characteristic golden color to curry powder and to most Indian dishes. It is used as a blood purifier, stimulant, and vulnerary. It can be applied both internally and externally to heal wounds, relieve pains in the limbs, break up congestion and as a restorative after the loss of blood at the birth of a child. It is of benefit to the circulation and it helps to regulate the menstrual cycle. Turmeric is also used for reducing fevers and for nosebleed.
Try this:
A teaspoon of turmeric powder added along with a teaspoon of almond oil to a cup of warm milk. One to two cups are taken daily. This is particularly helpful in stretching the ligaments and to cure menstrual cramps.
When it comes to the pharmaceutical world, we have to be very careful what we take, what with side effects and not enough research on long term effects. And now it's easy for you to run to Walmart and buy herbs in pill form, but where did they come from? How long have they been sitting in a warehouse? Something I have found fun to do, and fairly easy, is making my own capsules at home with my own herbs. That way I know exactly where the herb is coming from and how long I've had it. You can purchase vegetable glycerin capsules at any health food store and fill them yourself, or purchase a capsule machine and I'll leave a link to where I bought mine.
The first thing you will want to do is grind your herb/herbs down to powder form using a mortar and pestle. For tougher herbs or herbs in root form, a coffee grinder works best. I recommend using size 00 for your capsules and again you can usually find these at .a health food store or pharmacy
Place the powdered herbs in a bowl and scoop into biggest part of capsule. Then simple place top part of capsule tightly onto bottom part. This can be a long and tiring method.
The other way to do this is to use a capsule machine. This is the method I use because when making large quantities or filling orders, I need to get it done as quick as possible. The machine is fairly cheap so I recommend ordering one if you can.
For detoxing and cleansing, try taking dandelion root.
For indigestion or other stomach related issues, try taking spearmint.
For heart issues, hawthorn is a great herb for the heart.
For depression, St. John's Wort, oats, lavender, mugwort all work well either combined or individually.
For headaches, consider balm, cayenne, chamomile, elder flower, lavender, marjoram, peppermint, rosemary, rue, skullcap, thyme, valerian, wood betony or wormwood.
Pills are taken once/three times a day until ailments subside.
*For any other ailments, please comment below and I will send you suggestions on what you can take in pill form.
*Please consult with your doctor first before starting an herbal regime. Thank you.
Pour 1 gallon of water in a large pan, adding 1/3 cup softened ginger root, 3 cups of honey and 1 cup seedless raisins.
Bring to a boil and simmer for about an hour. The top will have to be skimmed every once in a while.
Cool, strain, and place in a tightly closed container overnight in the refrigerator.
The next day, squeeze 6 lemons and 4 oranges and add the juice to the mixture.
Mix well and drink 2-3 glasses per day.
This will get rid of symptoms pretty fast and clean the system.
Cold Treatment with Lemonade
Heat a glass of lemonade and add honey to sweeten. This is a good recipe if you have a cold with a fever. It relaxes you and is helpful in relieving discomfort.
Cold Treatment with Milk
At the onset of a cold, add 1/2 teaspoon each of cinnamon and ginger to 1 cup of scalded milk.
Add 1 tablespoon of honey and drink while hot.
Very soothing and stimulating
My Own Simple Honey/Cinnamon Syrup
While it's not my own invention, I'm sure many have done this before, I just mixed these two together last night, warmed it a little until less thick in consistency, and gave to my daughter by the tablespoon full.
1 cup of honey/1/4 cup of cinnamon
Mix together, warm until it's less thick and easier for a toddler to swallow.
Give by the tablespoon full every couple of hours or even try adding to their warm milk, which I'm sure they will love!
Eucalyptus is native to Australia. There are a great number of species of eucalyptus trees. The leaves of some contains many essential oils useful in herbal medicine. Their special value is their ability to control and regulate areas with a high water table, such as bogs and swamps.
Eucalyptus is one of the most powerful natural antiseptics. The aged oil forms ozone, which specifically destroys bacteria, fungi and viruses. An emulsion can be made by mixing equal parts gum Arabic and eucalyptus oil and taking three to five drops every two hours during the acute stages of colds, coughs and flus. An infusion can be made of leaves and taken internally for the same purpose, and most especially for chronic coughs and TB.
Most commonly, the oil is rubbed directly on the chest or back for all respiratory problems. Similarly, it is rubbed as a liniment for the relief for arthritic and rheumatic pains.
Well along with giving my daughter my just made Elderberry syrup from yesterday, which was so strange because she got a sinus cold or allergies shortly after I made it so it was almost like I was meant to make it, I also threw together a vapor rub for her as well.
1 oz of beeswax
1 cup of Dandelion Oil or any infused oil you want to use for the skin. I wanted something sensitive enough for her but great for the skin.
About 10-15 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil (this has a wonderful menthol property and is great for chest rubs
A couple of drops of Peppermint oil just to make it a little pleasant for her and for the nasal opening properties this has as well.
A couple of drops of Vitamin E oil
Pour you infused oil in a glass bowl over boiling water or a double boiler and add beeswax.
Heat over medium heat until wax is melted.
Remove from stove and add in all remaining oils and stir well.
4. Immediately transfer into containers. For me it made two 4 oz. containers. 5. Wait for salve to set before applying lids.
I do believe I have posted a video on how to make a salve or ointment before, but I wanted to retouch the subject because I really believe it's one of the easiest things to make and so essential to have in your medicine cabinet.
All you need is some Extra Virgin Olive Oil, beeswax pastilles or beeswax 1 oz blocks, some essential oils if you want to add (Lavender, Peppermint, Geranium are great for healing the skin) and the herb of your choice to infuse in your EVOO. I suggest using Comfrey or Calendula. But you can use Mullein, Chickweed, Cayenne, Plantain, anything you want. Do your research and find out what each herb has to offer for your specific skin ailments.
So you want to take your herb of choice and fill your mason jar about halfway and then cover your herb with EVOO. Watch for those air bubbles and give it a little stir, you may have to add more. I usually just fill it to the rim. Cover and label and infuse in the sun or sunny window sill for about two weeks. Once your oil is infused, strain using cheesecloth and compost the herb left behind. In a double boiler, melt 1 oz of beewax or 1 tbsp of your pastilles to every 8 oz of oil. Once the beeswax has melted, add in your infused oil and stir together. Remove from stove and add in any essential oils, usually just a few drops will do. Stir and immediately pour into jars or tin ointment containers. Allow to set before putting on the lids. Remember to label!
And that's it! It may sound like a lot but trust me once you've done it once or twice, you will see just how easy it is. For any specific herbal salve recipes, comment below as I have tons! Or if you need something for a specific skin ailment or problem, comment below and I will reply!
So my last blog on Dandelion Beer was the recipe and I had never made it before either. I was experimenting just like you. So today I wanted to write on how it went.
First of all the first three or four days you have to let it sit with only a cloth covering it while stirring it occassionally. Every time I would stir it, I was worried it was turning bad. It didn't smell bad but I had never made anything like this before so I didn't understand the process. The final day, you strain and pour into an airtight or tightly corked bottle or bottles. So I managed to fit it all in a really large green glass bottle that I found at Marshall's. After about a week, today, I decided to see if it was finished. I was shocked when I heard a pop! and then saw all the bubbles. My son wanted to taste it first, so we poured it in a little glass and just looked at the carbonation. I'm so amazed by this process. And the flavor is wonderful! It has a lemony flavor and is quite pleasant.
So I think I will definitely be making more and I encourage you to try this as well while the dandelions are out and among us. Such a fun project and such a delicious beverage!