Arthritis Cocktail
Mix well 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 1/2 cups of water, and 1 ounce apple cider vinegar. Drink once a day. You should be free of symptoms after using daily for 1 month.
Arthritis Treatment with Apple Cider Vinegar
Mix 4 cups of apple cider vinegar to 4 cups of hot water. Dip a cloth into the hot vinegar water and apply as a compress to the affected area. Put a heating pad over the compress and keep on for 30 minutes.
Arthritis Treatment with Barley Tea
Barley tea is an excellent way to treat arthritis. Make a tea by soaking 1 cup of unhulled barley in 8 cups of boiling water for 3 hours. Strain and keep refrigerated. Drink 1 cup twice daily.
Arthritis Treatment with Cod-liver Oil
Put 2 tablespoons of cod-liver oil in a glass of warm milk and drink twice daily. This will reduce inflammation of the joint tissue, thus reducing pain.
Arthritis Treatment with Herbs
Mix 1 tablespoon each of corn silk, broom flowers, skullcap, and boneset. Pour 1 cup boiling water over 1 tablespoon of herb mixture and steep 15 minutes. Strain and sweeten. Drink with meals.
Arthritis Treatment with Ginger

Arthritis Treatment with Parsley
Add 1 teaspoon of fresh parsley to 1 cup of boiling water. Let steep 15 minutes. Strain and sweeten. Add 1/2 teaspoon of fresh ginger to the tea and drink hot. Drink at every meal.
Bath Treatment for Arthritis with Epsom Salts
Put 1 cup of espom salts in your bath water (draw the bath as hot as you can stand it) and soak 20 minutes a day.
Bath Treatment for Arthritis with Sea Salt
Put several cups of sea salt in hot bath water and soak in the bath for at least 20 minutes every day.
Pain Relief for Rheumatic Joints or Arthritis
Put 2 cups of rosemary in 3 cups of brandy. Steep for 1 week. Strain and use the liquid as a poultice for the affected joints.
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